Month: March 2013

  • Family and Money

    Talked to my mom earlier. They cut her hours of teaching in half, so she's taking in less money. My brother got a D in Chemistry. (lol, I failed chemistry a lot so, I saw that coming). I'm trying to motivate. I know he won't go to a university right after high school. He doesn't have the drive. SO, I proposed to take him when he finished high school (to wherever I am), and he can do classes online. My mom wants to enroll him in a physical therapy program, but I guess a break with me would be good too. ;P. Honestly, I just want him to learn another language. I don't care about him having a degree. If u have another language, fluently.. on top of pursuing an education, more of the world opens up.

    Maybe we can combine my mom and I's hopes for him. He can take a "break" and be abroad with me and take online classes for a semester. Then he can go do that physical therapy program and work. He can work while going to chool and probably get into the JET program or something in Japan so he can learn Japanese. I just want him to feel motivated to continue school. And being trapped by family with no fun isn't exactly motivating. Maybe he can have a taste of being abroad.

    Anyway, back to my mom. She's stressed with work (more than usual) and she's making less money and the house payments are getting to her. But there's no other house for her sister and other family members to go, so they're at her place.

    I'm telling her to start a business. Like how she did wedding decorations on the side. But she doesn't want to cuz she likes everything perfect her way, and I don't think there's anyway she wants to train people LOL. She isn't giving up on pizza! She wants a brand name!

    Actually, there's a kinda cheap pizza chain in Korea called Pizza School! It's pretty different. I'm thinking it could expand into the states cuz it's kinda cheap like Little Caesar's. It think it would be a perfect franchise to bring over in the future. 

    I'll show you guys some pictures of Pizza School in the future. But pizzas are like $5~12 bucks. (12 is the most expensive). :]. Maybe I can bring a little Korea to the states <3.

  • hmmm

    What i wanted us to be~

    Can't put blame~

    Uncertain ending~


    Song titles i wanna write but atm, happy songs are playing LAWL. I get inspired when sad ballad-y songs come up.

    2 are about friendships, one is like about sigfig relaionships.



  • making games

    It sounds so kewl to make games!! Honestly, if I could, I'd totally try to make games for the esl workd cuz shit online sucks!! AND they're making hella money on shit! Lol.

    But I havent even started a youtube yet. So many things I wanna try in life xP

  • rolling routines

    i still don't really have any daily routines set in place.

    change is hard :'(.


    I used to do laundry tuesdays & thursdays w/ dishes on mon, wed, fri.

    but i have that habit of wanting to all my laundry at once, rather than doing batches on different days.

    i just like the feeling of having everything done and washed. but, i mean, laundry will never be just "done" forever. :P .

    gotta wrap my head around that idea. that things aren't forever and are constantly in rotation. 

    dunno how you're supposed to make that any more pleasant :/

  • the kids

    6th grade~ the kids that didn't come for the last year are coming to my class (two). they don't like doing anything and don't listen. 

    i can't blame them. But i'm on the other side of things and i'm supposed to teach them.... something. the good kids do their work and even the ones tha don't care too much get stuff done.


    4 more monthssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. I just gotta hold on and maybe just tell their homeroom teacher about them lawl.

    AND. i have TWO double periods with 1st and 2nd graders a week. ON TOP OF THAT, I have them in a single class again. lawlllllllllll omgggggggggggggggggggggggggg. 

    Guess it's bingo and flip cup games with them. >______________<. Hope the kids are at least learning something.


    But, I can't imagine my life w/ out them. I'm sorting through their old notebooks and stapling old work together for them to take home. I got a little sentimental. I wanna make an e-mail and write a message in their notebooks for them. (I wonder if they'll even keep them). ㅋㅋ. It would be nice to still be in contact with them in the future. lol.


    other than that.... learning korean vocab is hard. hard to memorize urggggggggggggggggg. oh well. 
    BUT, I'm starting to rap a little at 노래방. i can't wait to rap full songs!! my voice can't go that high in songs.. lol.. so i think practicing how to rap is best; plus i'm practicing how to speak. i'm so nervous when i speak cuz i can't form sentences.

    My test is in a month ㅠㅠ. 

    I haven't spoken to anybody back home in a while. everyone's busy w/ life & stuff~

  • Language Scholarships

    The government sends people abroad to learn languages essential to "National Security." I think that I want to learn languages mostly from the developing and from some of the developed world.

    I want to finish off Korean... and still want to touch on Mandarin (in Taiwan.. plus, I like their accent lol), Portuguese.. I guess in Mozambique in Africa) ..

    I think that the major asian or european languages will be the best to focus on, before delving into something like Tagalog, Italian, Burmese, Indonesian, and Cantonese.

    Mostly the last ones cuz of my own culture, learning about their cultures, and the growth in businesses / economic opportunity in those countries. I'll probably do the Middle Eastern languages and Spanish classes last :P

    ..using barryfunenglish to learn korean.

    T_T I need a gpa over 3.4 to be eligible for the scholarship. D:

  • angel investing

    I wonder what it's like to have money and be an angel investor. If I did have money, of course I'd put it in safe avenues such as local government bonds (for public projects), parks.. and have some money stashed away at a local credit union & bank. But, I wonder what it's like to have worked hard, and chunk money away for investments.

    Guess I have to figure out a day job (and side jobs) to pile money and use it for the future. While I'm young, I still wanna educate myself about the world, travel, learn languages, and make friends / build a global network. And find places to invest money and work different jobs to just... experience life in general :].

    It takes money to make money :'(. Kinda like the legos dude on youtube that buys legos, makes videos, and reinvests that money to buy more legos to make videos and make money again.

    If I could make a youtube, what kind of creative-artsy-fun outlet could I use to make money off of?

    I have a military friend that'll probably retire from the military at age 40. Age 40 sounds like a good way to "retire" and travel and have fun. It's 20 years away from 60, and you can still be hot/attractive. It's like the new 30! Where you're established, have so much experience, AND have money to do whatever you want. 

    Probably a good time to adopt a teenager too. LoLLLL. 


    I want to have my cake and eat it too! It'll just be a cake with different flavors and frostings and toppings that make it unique and my own <3. (Referring to life in general). Nobody wants a mid-life crisis. That screams, "I actually didn't live life the way I wanted to."

  • natural

    just read an article how laughter lowers stress and _________________--- other stuff.

    But it also says that a part of the brain is activated when laughing.
    I laughed hella hard last night cuz of a drinking session and a friend demonstrated the nursery rhyme "little bunny foo foo." omfg LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL Me and 3 others have NEVER heard of this! I was all like, "I think that one was banned from my state." LOLLLLLL.
    I guess u can google it. WTF turn u into a goon??

    Anyway, whenever I laugh hard, I feel a part of my brain kinda light up. I wonder if it will help memorization. Like, watching something funny and studying. cuz freaking Jan Jan and the smart girl in Pharmacy Tech class like said that's how they studied WTF.

    And fucking drug names so so effing LONNNNNNNNNG and BORRRRRRRRRRING. So, there must be some truth to all that. At least, to studying in the least stressed environment.


  • this weekend

    It was neat, got like half my lesson plans done for the semester and got to teach for my first saturday class, ever. 1st graders had some trouble with the numbers and the alphabet ut they were okay.

    Didn't know what to do with the higher grades lol did the same barryfun stuff. They must've been bored.

    After that, scarfed down food and headed to suwon for the social gathering. It was neat to see the others there. I always feel bad when i can't make the gatherings once a month.

    Lots of the koreans practicing english are office workers or sales people.

    Im in Gangnam today. Had samgyeopsal and im getting my hair did. Omg lol. The others are at a coffee shop. We're totally doing the korean upper class lifestyle here. Lol jk

  • Europe

    iono. I'm getting called by Germany to go there. lol.


    My two closest friends are Americans with German ancestry. (And their work ethic and punctuality is awesome and admirable).
    It's so powerful lol, there's a channel on tv for them. 
    Some people I know may teach / relocate to work there.
    I like that it has done well despite the global financial crisis & the euro-zone crisis.
    They are going off nuclear power by 2022. (
    They have a strong solar energy industry.
    Not to mention all the smart people (philosophers, mathematicians) that came from that country lol.

    I guess that'll be the European language I'd actually wanna learn.

    But I totally wanna go to Italy to eat and chill, if I were to ever go to Europe. LOL.

    I wish California could adopt policies similar to Germany. But an educational policy of Finland. And have a new infrastructure and transportation system like Korea.

    Basically, if I was in public office, I'd wanna make California better and awesomeerrrr

    Oh dreams.