May 9, 2013

  • so like

    Sometimes ... err, a lot of the time, I feel like I haven't grown up. I characterize growing up as no fun, limited alcohol, loneliness, no parties, everyone busy all the time with no time for anything.

    But I guess our interpretation of fun might change and we may appreciate the time we have to rest, as we get older.

    Oh well, I'm 20 only once. Gotta try a bunch of things just once. I'd regret it later if I didn't do all the things I wanted to try when I was younger.

    I mean, I have a list of things to try out when I get older too. Like, raising a kid, working in a public office position, learning more languages.

    One thing I'm afraid of though, is marriage/ settling down. Totally not ready. I'm afraid of divorce and getting bored. I hope I party and date so much that I'd eventually want to get into somethig serious later.
    I feel like people get divorced around their 40's, or mid-life crisis age. That they didn't experience enough of life and that they didn't prepare enough for the commitment. I know that the first obstacle I wanna work on first is the money problem. As for the getting bored part... hmm. Dunno.

    Sounds like something I'd wanna try when I'm older.

    Anyway, back to the not feeling like an adult part. Basically, I don't feel like an adult also cuz I didnt finish my degree. Since highschool was my most recent long-term educational achievement, I feel ungrounded. All these freakin jobs waiting for me and I can't have them. At least I'm making friends and expandin my personal network but what about my professional network? I thinkni needa finally use LinkedIn and start playing that game now.