June 23, 2013

  • dating

    I've been hearing things about Korean girls here lol. It makes me to not wanna go out with them. Especially for the huge push for marriage once they reach a certain age. Maybe if theyre foreigner-enough. For gyopo (oversees korean). ㅠㅠ but i like speaking korean. Will this just be a phase too? Like other things?

Comments (4)

  • everything's a phase lol

    gyopo? that means american korean?

    whats wrong with korean girls?

  • @flossblindsme - just the dating culture. always asking where u are. always doing couple things. i dont think people double date here. expectations on presents, dates, the whining. the demandingness. so. gross. gyopo means oversees korean. korean- american, korean-canadian, korean-kiwi. pick ur flavor, lol.

  • mmm korean-kiwi lol

    so what you're saying is... too much clinginess LOL and expectations even with just dating

  • @flossblindsme - si si. freaks me the hell out, as you can imagine, lol.

    but i mean, with the korean lifestyle, people barely see each other anyway, lol. cuz everyone is always busy.
     my mentor teacher's boyfriend is in seoul (2-ish hours away), and she sees him only on the weekends cuz they be far. so i guess it can depend. 

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